
Recenzja Softonic

Klawiatura emoji w kształcie niebieskich kul

Emoji Keyboard Spheres Blue is a theme for Emoji Keyboard - Cute, Premium, or KK versions. The theme features blue circle spherical keys on a dark blue shiny background. Each key is designed as a beautifully shaped crystal ball with glossy effects and reflections. This theme adds a touch of elegance and style to your keyboard.

To use Emoji Keyboard Spheres Blue, you must have Emoji Keyboard (Cute, Premium, or KK version) installed on your Android device. Emoji Keyboard is a free, smart, and colorful keyboard that allows you to quickly input over 3000 emoji, smileys, stickers, and text faces. It offers convenient input options for messages, texts, emails, and social chat apps. With over 300 beautiful themes, smart gesture typing, auto correct, and support for over 55 languages, Emoji Keyboard is the best choice for Android users.

Applying the Emoji Keyboard Spheres Blue theme is easy. Simply open the Emoji Keyboard application and click on the "Apply Theme" button. Enjoy the stylish and eye-catching design of the blue circle spherical keys on your keyboard.

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